Journey Through My Digital Landscape


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Fr. John

About the book

Forgiveness in a Cynical Age

Forgiveness in a Cynical Age taps into a rich fountain of ideas from religion and communication to explore how we can forgive others that wrong us.

Using communication as a point of departure, the author challenges readers to take a journey with those who offend us. By accepting the wrongdoer and walking with them, we can forgive them—and it is in forgiving that we are also forgiven.

Forgiveness in a Cynical Age embraces the virtues of tolerance, understanding, compassion, and mercy

(p. xvi).

You can access the Foundation through the website: I love to read, research, teach, and travel around the world.

Rev. John M. Amankwah

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About Me

I am a Catholic priest and an associate professor in Communication and New Media Studies at Mount St. Joseph University in Cincinnati, Ohio. I am popularly known as Fr. John, in Cincinnati and at the university. I was born in Ghana, West Africa, where I attended St. Teresa's Minor Seminary, Elmina, and did my philosophy and theological studies at St. Peter's Major Seminary, Cape Coast, also in Ghana. I was ordained a priest in June 1979 in the diocese of Sunyani in the Brong Region. In 1984, I studied at AMECEA Pastoral Institute, Eldoret, Kenya, East Africa where I also obtained a diploma in Adult Religious Education. I returned to Ghana in 1985 and came to the United States in 1995 to study at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I obtained my Ph.D. in Communication and Rhetorical Studies in 2005 at Duquesne and I also hold two Master's degrees in Corporate Communication and Social & Public Policy (a branch in Political Science studies) between 1997 and 1999 respectively from Duquesne University. I taught at Duquesne University for one year and another year at the University of Pittsburgh. In 2005, I accepted an appointment to teach at Mount St. Joseph University in Cincinnati. I have authored three books, Discourse on Women's Ordination (1997), Dialogue: The Church and the Voice of the Other (2007), and Forgiveness in a Cynical Age, (2023). I have a sense of humor and I also know that as a priest, my parishioners love me because of my sermons. I am also the president of an NGO Foundation, the International Mission for Children (IMC) which was founded in 2015 with some members of the Knight of Columbus. Later on, the Board of Members changed to include members who were not members of the Knight of Columbus.

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Articles & Publications:

Journal of Border Educational Research


The Discourse on Women's Ordination in the North American Catholic Church: Rhetorical Analysis

by john M. Amankwah

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